




初めての海外旅行、あこがれのパリ、セーヌ河に浮かぶシテ島の散歩、朝のさわやかな想い出を、フランシス・レイさんの素晴らしい音楽を意識しながら、この曲にしました。私が 22歳の頃の作品です。 原題は、先に、その時宿泊したホテルのあった場所にちなんで、邦題「サンジェルマン・デ・プレの朝」を決めてから、まったく別の意味のフランス語「憂鬱な若い娘さん」としました。フランス語の音楽は、良く邦題が別の意味になるので、その逆にしたのです(笑)

今回アルバムVol.2に収録しましたのは、2020/7/25 クライネ・ウイーン(東京、不動前)での録音です。

1.Jeune Fille Mélancolique

Jeune Fille Mélancolique from the wonderful image of Paris, France (Hiroshi Kawase's Original music) 

Composition and Piano Play by Hiroshi Kawase, Japan (Copyright) 

This is the song I made for my first trip abroad, remembering Paris, a walk on the island of Cite Island on the Seine, and a refreshing memory of the morning, with Francis Lai's wonderful music in mind. This was when I was 22 years old. The original title was first decided after the Japanese title "Morning of Saint-Germain-des-Prés" after the hotel where I stayed at that time, and then a completely different meaning, French, "Melancholy Young Girl". In French music, Japanese titles often have different meanings, so I did the opposite (laughs) 

This time, the album Vol.2 was recorded on July 25, 2020 at Kleine-Wien (Fudomae, Tokyo).


2.Amazing Rainbow


2.Amazing Rainbow

In May 2021, I visited the lovely building where my friend once held a concert, for the first time. A wonderful piano brought me this music by heart.




3.Kokeshi Doll

I composed it for the radio drama "Scenery of a certain fantasy music" that I wrote and produced when I was in college. It is a story of a hero who has a lot of kokeshi dolls and perfect pitch in the Tohoku region.



2020/7/12 祖師ヶ谷大蔵エクレルシのライヴ録音、その場で作曲しました。

4.At the Bar Lounge

2020/7/12 Live recording at Soshigaya Okura, composed on the spot.





この曲は、2020年7月、音楽サロン Foresta フォレスタで、その場で作曲したものです。

5.Sea before Dawn

In November 2018, at the funeral of Monsieur Francis Lai, I spent 48 hours in Nice, Southern France, the shortest stay in Europe ever. 

The moment the sea before dawn and the lights of the two lighthouses shined miraculously at the same time, that was the jacket photo of this album, which I had a hard time shooting. 

This song was composed on the spot at the music salon Foresta Foresta in July 2020. 



2019/12/22 北朝霞 りとるかりん 友人の集まりで、その場で作曲したものです。


2019/12/22 Little Karin, Kita-Asaka, Saitama.

I composed on the spot. 


7.Voyage En Asuka

アルバムVol.1では、邦題「Voyage En Asuka(飛鳥の旅)」英語タイトル「Voyage En Asuka」としていましたが、今回は和英どちらか限定という制約があり、邦題・英語とも統一しました。読み方は、「ヴォワヤージュ・オン・アスカ」が近いかと思います。





今回アルバムVol.2に収録しましたのは、2020/7/26 芝浦港南区民センター 区民ホールでの録音です。

7.Voyage En Asuka

In Album Vol.1, the Japanese title was given in Japanese also, but this time there was a restriction that either Japanese or English was limited, so both the Japanese title and English were unified. 

2014.8.3 In Asuka II after arriving at Yokohama Port, I happened to play a special piano and played two songs. The first song was composed on the spot. The moment when this song was composed is released as a video. https://youtu.be/6HMXmp_SAB8 Due to the coronavirus, passenger ships are in a difficult situation, but I hope that in the future, we will be able to enjoy voyages while maintaining hygiene. 

This time, the album Vol.2 was recorded on July 26, 2020 at the Shibaura Konan Citizens Center - Citizens Hall.



2021/5/30 pachetart(代々木)にて、初めてお会いする方々の前で、その場で作曲したものです。

8.Ripples and Rainbows

2021/5/30 Composed at pachetart (Yoyogi).



2019/12/2 新橋 ばるーん にて、その場で作曲したものです。

9.Clear Stream

2019/12/2 It was composed on the spot at Shimbashi Baloon.



2020/7/14 横浜市 鶴見サルビア・ホールにて、その場で作曲したものです。



10.Jumping Rabit

2020/7/14 Composed on the spot at Tsurumi Salvia Hall, Yokohama City. This song has a different title from Japanese to English. Japanese is a Meadow wind.



2021/5/30 pachetart(代々木)にて、初めてお会いする方々の前で、その場で作曲したものです。

11.Sadness, sometimes

2021/5/30 Composed at pachetart (Yoyogi).



ピアノ即興詩人かわせひろし オリジナル作品の中で、最も長く幅広く演奏されている代表曲 モン・トレゾール。フランス語で「私の宝物」 を意味し、作曲から20年ほど経った2014年9月、フランスに1週間の旅行へ行く直前、たまたま見つけたフランスの美しい田舎の風景を集めた本に「モン・トレゾール村」があり、モン・トレゾール城で、この曲を演奏させていただき、感慨深いものがありました。

この演奏は、2021/2/11 リーブラホール(港区立男女平等参画センター、田町)で録音し、ホームページでPVに使用しています。

YouTubeにはたくさん編曲をアップしています。 シリーズ無料コンサート企画 心に響く素晴らしい音楽が広げる世界!のテーマ曲として、世界の皆様にお届けしたいと思っています♪


今後とも、ピアノ即興詩人かわせひろし♪と、かわせ音楽事務所♪の企画演奏会を、よろしく お願い申し上げます。

12.Mon Trésor

Mon Trésor (Kawase Hiroshi Original). 

This performance was recorded at 2021/2/11 Libra (Tamachi Hall) and used for PV on the homepage. This is his most favorite instrumental number. He played this in The Château de Montrésor, in the 'Les Plus Beaux Villages de France' in 2014. 

This performance was recorded at the 2021/2/11 Libra Hall (Minato Ward Gender Equality Center, Tamachi) and used for PV on the website. 

Thank you for your continued support of the piano improvisation poet Hiroshi Kawase and Kawase Music Office.


13.荒波を乗り越えて ~応援即興曲~






2020/7/23 誰もいない一人だけの鶴見サルビア音楽ホールにて






13.Over the Raging Waves ~Supporting Impromptu~

This is an impromptu song composed at the Tsurumi Salvia Music Hall on July 23, 2020, planned by the Kanagawa Virtual Open Area to support medical professionals and others.

The video is here!


Inspired by Kanagawa's "Virtual Open Area", compose original cheering works on the spot!

Thanks to healthcare professionals, key workers, etc. who are working on the treatment of new coronavirus infections 🎵

2020/7/23 At the Tsurumi Salvia Music Hall with nobody alone

"A world of wonderful music that touches your heart" special project

Piano Improvised Poet HiroshiKawase ♪ Original Works Vol.1 Completion Commemorative Free Concert

I composed it in a few minutes immediately after the end.

Then, I played with a general feeling so that it would take less than 5 minutes from the start to the end, but this time I cleared one shot in 4 minutes 55 seconds! 



2020/1/13 新橋 ばるーん にて、その場で作曲したものです。 

14.Nostalgic Days

2020/1/13 It was composed on the spot at Shimbashi Baloon.




今回は2020/6/22 新橋ばるーんで即興アレンジした演奏です。

15.One day that pond

Am I in the lower grades of elementary school. It is a fairly old work composed in.

This time, it is a performance improvised by Shimbashi Baru on June 22, 2020.



ある日あの池 は小学校低学年、横須賀で作曲。



今回は、2021/3/25 横浜市吉野町市民プラザ スタジオのピアノで、即興アレンジしました。

16.School Boys Saving Nature Song

One day that pond was composed in Yokosuka in the lower grades of elementary school.

This was composed at the request of a friend at Kojimachi Elementary School in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, where I spent the middle grades of elementary s

d to Sendai. I went to 4 elementary schools! 

This time, I improvised with a pian


After this, I transferreo in Yoshino-cho, Yokohama City on March 25, 2021.




17.The song of the tricycle that two children loved

At a junior high school in Yokohama, I wrote the novel "Clouds set on Mt. Adatara", and while devising ideas for my next film, I also composed the music for the end title of the film. That is this song. 




18.Paris Club Creditor Countries' Song

From 1991-93, I worked at the Embassy of Japan in France for the Japanese representative and secretariat of the Paris Club in OECD countries. At that time, I added this song to the wonderful English lyrics written by Madame Kurata. I miss sending the recording to Francis Lai. 




19.Debtor Countries' Song

From 1991-93, I worked at the Embassy of Japan in France for the Japanese representative and secretariat of the Paris Club in OECD countries. At that time, I added this song to the wonderful Japanese lyrics written by Madame Kurata. I miss sending the recording to Francis Lai. 



2020/7/14 横浜市 鶴見サルビア・ホールにて、その場で作曲したものです。

20.Et aujourd'hui

2020/7/14 Composed on the spot at Tsurumi Salvia Hall, Yokohama City. 



2021/4/17 SHIBUYA HALL & STUDIO 渋谷ホールの一室で、その場で作曲したものです。


21.Sharing the impressed feeling for tomorrow

Composed on the spot in a room in Shibuya Hall. I decided on this title while watching the video of the TOKYO 2020 Olympics, which I want to share the excitement with. 



横浜伊勢佐木町クロス・ストリートで何度も演奏させていただいています。あいにく2020年の4-5月は、コロナウイルスのせいで閉鎖されており、予定されていたステージに立てず、悲しい思いを致しました。 この曲は、そのクロス・ストリートで演奏を終えた後の充実した思いをイメージして作曲したものです。 明るい未来を皆様とともに、歩んで参りたいです!

今回アルバムVol.2に収録しましたのは、2020/7/26 芝浦港南区民センター 区民ホールでの録音です。

22.Cross Street Night

I have played many times at Yokohama Isezakicho Cross Street. Unfortunately, it was closed in April-May due to the coronavirus, and I felt sad because I could not stand on the scheduled stage. This song was composed in the image of a fulfilling feeling after finishing the performance on Cross Street. I would like to walk with you in a bright future!

This time, the album Vol.2 was recorded on July 26, 2020 at the Shibaura Konan Citizens Center - Citizens Hall.




この曲は、2020/7/23 私のオリジナル作品集Vol.1 ファースト・アルバム完成記念コンサートの終了後に、会場の鶴見サルビア音楽ホールで作曲しました。


23.Afterglow of the concert

The Japanese title is "After the concert" or "Finishing the Concert". 

This song was composed at the Tsurumi Salvia Music Hall at the venue after the concert to commemorate the completion of my original work collection Vol.1 First Album on July 23, 2020. 

It's been a fulfilling and enjoyable time, and I'm lonely with no audience these days, but I'd be happy if I could spend time with you again.



2021/5/24 メズム東京 ショーケース 最後の曲目のライヴ録音です。会場のお客様からのリクエストにお応えして、東京スカイツリー(TOKYO SKYTREE)をはじめとした素晴らしい夜景を見ながら、素敵な夜のイメージで、その場で作曲したものです。

私ピアノ即興詩人かわせひろし♪は、現在、毎月1回のペースで、最高級ホテル メズム東京16Fのラウンジのショーケースで演奏しています。皆様もぜひ、おいでください。




24.SKYTREE Night

2021/5/24 mesm Tokyo Showcase!

This is a live recording of the last music. In response to requests from customers at the venue, the song was composed on the spot with a wonderful image of the night while watching the wonderful night view such as Tokyo Skytree (TOKYO SKYTREE).

I, the piano improvisational poet HiroshiKawase, is currently playing at the showcase of the lounge on the 16th floor of the finest hotel Mesm Tokyo at a pace of once a month. Please come and join us. Please refer to the homepage for future dates. 


Thank you for listening to the 24 songs of the album this time as well. Please look forward to Vol.3.